
HORSE HEAVEN - $530000

Click here to search '2025 local prices' for  Lot 3 40 Muirs Road, MOUNT MURCHISON, QLD, Australia, 4715


If your passion in life includes horses along with enjoying the lifestyle of living on 20 acres then call the agent today. Located conveniently only 8.5 klms from Biloela and less then 5 minutes to power station and mines. The 3 bedroom highset home has potential to upgrade downstairs to a 4th bedroom and rumpus room. Kitchen and bathroom have been fully renovated, lounge and dining are air-conditioned and you can enjoy an afternoon drink on the full length veranda whilst taking in the view. Four stables attached to the 3 bay powered shed house the horses along with a small holding yard. The remaining land is well grassed and fully fenced into 4 paddocks.

Was for Sale

Place: Lot 3 40 Muirs Road, MOUNT MURCHISON, QLD, Australia, 4715 Average Price in MOUNT MURCHISON ...