
Lot 100, 23 Williams Lane, Shadforth - $679000

Click here to search '2025 local prices' for  Lot 100 23 Williams Lane, Shadforth, ORANGE, NSW, Australia, 2800


- Approx 100 acres - 15 minutes from Orange, close to Millthorpe and Spring Hill - 4 paddocks, 7 dams - Two entrances - Gravel road into property - Power and phone available - Rich basalt soils - Pastures of clover, rye and phalaris - Shelter and wind breaks - Excellent house site with views over Spring Hill to Mt Canobolas - 5 minutes to Orange Airport

Was for Sale

Place: Lot 100 23 Williams Lane, Shadforth, ORANGE, NSW, Australia, 2800 Average Price in ORANGE ...