Beautifully situated down the end of a quiet cul de sac in Bunya Pines Estate, is this absolutely "as new" home. The house has all the features of a brand new residence plus all the inclusions you don't normally get. That is - security doors, air conditioning, remote access garage door, Queensland room and established gardens. If you dont want to spend $$$$$ getting all the extras fitted or wait around for the gardens to grow; this 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home is for you. The present owners haven't even had time to use the stove.
Was for Sale
- Publish Date: 05-02-2010 19:30:24
- Contact name: Paul Cooney
- 109 times displayed
- Website:
- Location: Australia
- Business: Winsome First National
- 3 2 2
- Price: $330000
5 Bert Dyson, KEMPSEY, NSW, Australia, 2440
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