If we could let the Genie out of the bottle, and give you EVERYTHING your kids would want ... this'd be it! A bedroom for everyone, because there are SIX of them! ... no long walks to school in the heat or the rain, because school's right next door! ... AND a great place to entertain their friends, because there's a huge lagoon-style pool and spa! Now that the kids are taken care of, let's treat Mum and Dad to a few wishes ... HAPPY HAPPY kids ... NO car-pooling to school ... lots of space for them AND YOU, because of the TWO living zones AND large alfresco deck ... a fully gated block giving you all the privacy you need ... exceptional convenience to the AMAZING Tunstall Square ... AND the freeway's just down the road! When it comes to family-sized space and convenience, you wouldn't wish for more. Appointments include formal lounge with beautiful over-sized Mahogony open fireplace; formal dining room doubling as study with large concealed workstation and internet wiring; BIG kitchen with Miele dishwasher; SIX bedrooms - TWO bathrooms including ensuite-effect to master; solar-heated salt-water pool; ducted heating; air conditioner; security alarm. WOW.
Was for Auction
- Publish Date: 08-03-2010 11:04:14
- Contact name: Ben Nutbean
- 127 times displayed
- Website:
- Location: Australia
- Business: Barry Plant - Doncaster East
- 6 2 2
- Price: $540000