

Click here to search '2025 local prices' for  200 Lacey St, SAWYERS VALLEY, WA, Australia, 6074


This property is suited to those who enjoy entertaining whilst offering all those things required for a true family home. Room to move and areas allowing for peace and quiet. Essential family living. Huge two storey executive home 1.39ha block with 2 road frontage Huge outdoor entertaining area with sparkling B/G pool End of quiet road 5 bed 2 bath + study plus ancillary accommodation Rendered brick and iron roof with 3m wrap around verandahs Solar & electric HWS Massive entrance hall Large separate living area Theatre room Tasmanian oak flooring 2 car garage Extra features; Monitored alarm Ducted R/C air conditioning Ducted vac Ducted music Auto reticulation from bore Gas/electric cooking Situated on the border of Sawyers Valley and Mundaring in a whisper quiet location yet still close to all amenities. Even allowing the kids to be able to walk to school.

Was for Sale

Place: 200 Lacey St, SAWYERS VALLEY, WA, Australia, 6074 Average Price in SAWYERS VALLEY ...