Situated in amongst the mountains in a small country town known as ROSSARDEN, and being just 20 minutes from the beautiful Fingal Valley is this wonderful little cottage like home. Consisting of a huge amount of sheds that have ample storage for almost anything and most of them contain wood heaters so you can keep warm while working in those winter months. Here the wild deer are so friendly that they come right up to your door to grab a bite to eat and you can see them walking around freely just grazing on the lawns, so a lawn mower is not essential. For those who love that crisp fresh air and nature at its best then this is perfect for you. With the kitchen, dinning and lounge area being open plan and two of the three bedrooms having built in robes. A good size bathroom and a toilet area that is bigger than most. The wood heater is situated in the middle of the home, so that the whole house gets warm. This home is a bargain for a first home buyer or someone wishing to move closer to nature and the peace and quiet it has to offer.
Was for Sale
- Publish Date: 19-07-2009 00:27:38
- Contact name: Jane Smithurst
- 150 times displayed
- Website:
- Location: Australia
- Business: Rattray First National
- 3 1 4
- Price: $108000