
Attention: Investors, developers & First home buyers - $120000

Click here to search '2024 local prices' for  15 Pitt Street, TERANG, VIC, Australia, 3264


Set on an 800m2 corner block in a quiet location, this 3 bedroom home is bursting with potential. Featuring generous sized rooms and modern bathroom in a versatile layout, this property presents a great opportunity to let your creative flair loose. The astute investor or developer will be attracted by the chance to purchase a serviceable rental property (previously let at $150 per week) at a great value price with the flexibility to future redevelop as two units or a new family home. Contact: Brendan Williams 0427 925471

Was for Sale

Place: 15 Pitt Street, TERANG, VIC, Australia, 3264 Average Price in TERANG ...