3 bedroom, 1 bathroom home featuring small verandah to front of home, separate lounge with split system air conditioner, separate dining area off older style kitchen. Three spacious bedrooms, plus a sunroom, and option for a fourth bedroom (located at the back of the home off the sunroom) large rear shed, single garage, both front and back gardens are reticulated off the bore. Available from 25th March 2010. Pets neg. To submit your interest please contact Force Real Estate on 64666111 or email
Was for Rent
- Publish Date: 24-03-2010 23:50:36
- Contact name: Jessica Casella
- 273 times displayed
- Website:
- Location: Australia
- Business: Force First National Real Estate
- 3
- Price: $300
52 Balcombe Street, WESTMINSTER, WA, Australia, 6061
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