43 acres with Magnificent mountain views located only 39 klms from Horsham. This property would make a great place to live at the foothills of the Grampians or just as a weekend block to enjoy. A mixture of big old gum trees and younger redgum regrowth make this block special. If you are thinking of running some livestock, the pastures are established with a very good clover base. To add a bit more character to this block the main Horsham water channel runs along the rear of the property, usually flowing all year round. 5 klms Down the road are the Wartook Pottery/Tearooms and the Log cabins / Conveinience store.
Was for Sale
- Publish Date: 22-11-2009 01:24:06
- Contact name: Mark Clyne
- 95 times displayed
- Website:
- Location: Australia
- Business: Horsham Real Estate
- Price: $168000
Northern Grampians, HORSHAM, VIC, Australia, 3400
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