An opportunity arises.... This time is now! Perched high on the hill, this 1246sqm vacant lot has a south western orientation and looks straight over the Moore River Caravan Park towards the river mouth and endless ocean. Never to be built out, this unique parcel boasts a narrow frontage widening to over 30 metres at the rear. Clever design could offer a stunning outlook from every room in the house. One of only a few in this iconic coastal location. For further details, contact David Brewer on 0411 630 026
Was for Sale
- Publish Date: 24-03-2010 23:53:34
- Contact name: David Brewer
- 241 times displayed
- Website:
- Location: Australia
- Business: Force First National Real Estate
- Price: $400000
41 Gordon Street, GUILDERTON, WA, Australia, 6041
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