Step outside the square... and take control of your destiny. If you are ready to be your own boss look at this great business located in the Paris section of Quail Street, St Helens, on Tassies sparkling east coast. This business is one stop shopping for gift lines and jewellery for every occasion and every budget. No need for shoppers to drag themselves off to Launceston for shopping when everything is right here from gourmet kitchen gadgets, glassware, or that big occasion diamond ring. Figures are available (conditions apply) and can only go up as the opening hours can be lengthened to maximise your potential returns. Some vendor finance can be provided. This business has a proven history, its been around for some time now, why not take it to the next level. Take the plunge and be your own boss, you wont regret it.
Was for Sale
- Publish Date: 19-07-2009 00:27:39
- Contact name: Kyleigh Halliday
- 136 times displayed
- Website:
- Location: Australia
- Business: Rattray First National
- Price: $95000