35 Saleyards Rd is a complex featuring 15 separate units around a common courtyard, six of which have frontage toSaleyards Rd and nine down the right of way. With the complex recenly having undergone a face lift, these units are now clean, tidy and of a high standard featuring a new colour scheme, and facades. The units through the right of way available for lease, range in size from 1,000 - 1,600 sqft, with Units 11 & 12 able to be combined to make up a larger unit of 2,600 sqft if necessary. On a busy Otahuhu Thoroughfare with a full range of commercial facilities clost at hand.
Was for Sale
- Publish Date: 17-08-2007 09:47:54
- Contact name: John Green
- 96 times displayed
- Location: New Zealand
- Business: Century 21 - Auckland Central - Domain Realty Ltd MREINZ
35 Saleyards Rd, OTAHUHU, AUCKLAND, New Zealand, 1006
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